Compatibility with Olympus E-M1 Mark II / PT-EP14

INON INC. is pleased to announce compatibility of existing INON products with Olympus E-M1 Mark II / PT-EP14 (*1).

Contact Olympus Imaging Corp. for detail of camera/protector. INON Inc. confirms product compatibility based on a camera/protector available in Japan.

■ Lens System Compatibility with E-M1 Mark II / PT-EP14 (*1) ■

Compatibility with M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 12-50mm F3.5-6.3 EZ

By using above lens with the combination of Olympus Macro Lens Adapter "PMLA-EP01" and Olympus Underwater Lens Port "PPO-EP01" on PT-EP14, following existing INON M67 mount lens series are compatible (*2)

Left: PO-EP01, MLA-EP01 (Left) configuration
Right: PMLA-EP01 and PPO-EP01 installed on PT-EP14

UCL-67 M67 Underwater Close-up Lens
--Available in the market
--JAN code: 456212143 837 8

UCL-165M67 Close-up Lens (*3)
--Available in the market
--JAN code: 456212143 162 1

UCL-330 Close-up Lens (*3)
--Available in the market
--JAN code: 456212143 156 0

UFL-M150 ZM80 Underwater Micro Fisheye Lens (*4)(*5)
--Available in the market
--JAN code: 456212143 621 3

From left to right:
UCL-67 M67 attached on E-M1 Mark II/PT-EP14
UCL-165M67 attached on E-M1 Mark II/PT-EP14
UCL-330 attached on E-M1 Mark II/PT-EP14
UFL-M150 ZM80 attached on E-M1 Mark II/PT-EP14

Wide conversion lens is not compatible.
Using zoom position from wide end to middle position on land and underwater will have vignetting on image corners. Zoom in until no vignetting is observed.
Only compatible with "M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 12-50mm F3.5-6.3 EZ" and any other lenses are not compatible.
Optional "M27-M67 Mount Converter for UFL-M150 ZM80" is required.

Compatibility with M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 60mm F2.8 Macro

Left: PPO-EP03 configuration
Right: PPO-EP03 installed on PT-EP14

UCL-67 M67 Underwater Close-up Lens
--Available in the market
--JAN code: 456212143 837 8

UCL-165M67 Close-up Lens
--Available in the market
--JAN code: 456212143 162 1

UCL-330 Close-up Lens
-Available in the market
--JAN code: 456212143 156 0

From left to right:
CL-67 M67 ttached on E-M1 Mark II/PT-EP14
UCL-165M67 attached on E-M1 Mark II/PT-EP14
UCL-330 attached on E-M1 Mark II/PT-EP14

Compatibility with M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 8mm F1.8 Fisheye PRO

Left: Dome Port EP02 for Olympus configuration
Right: Dome Port EP02 for Olympus installed on with PT-EP14

Dome Port EP02 for Olympus (*6)(*7)
--Available in the market
--JAN code: 456212143 827 9

To suppress exposure of the bundled flash light on an image, optional shade ring, Olympus "POSR-EP10" is necessary to attach on M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 8mm F1.8 Fisheye PRO.
M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 8mm F1.8 Fisheye PRO requires Olympus "PPZR-EP05 Underwater Zoom Ring" for manual focusing.

Compatibility with Four Thirds System Lens ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 8mm F3.5 Fisheye

When using ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 8mm F3.5 Fisheye attached on E-M1 Mark II via Four Thirds Adapter "MMF-3", compatible port is the INON "Dome Port for Olympus" installed on the PT-EP14 via Underwater Port Adapter "PAD-EP08", Underwater Port Extension Ring "PER-E01".

Left: Dome Port for Olympus, adapter and extension ring configuration
Right: Dome Port for Olympus installed on PT-EP14

Dome Port for Olympus
--Available in the market
--JAN code: 456212143 829 3

Dome Port + Protector II Set for Olympus (*8)
--Available in the market
--JAN code: 456212143 828 6

Protector II
--Available in the market
--JAN code: 456212143 025 9

Shade Sponge D80 (*9)
--Available in the market
--JAN code: 456212143 666 4

Combination with "Protector II" to prevent accidental damage on port lens and also blocks unnecessary light to obtain clear image. It is recommended to use the protector always together with the Dome Port.
The shade sponge is required to use "ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 8mm F3.5 Fisheye" with E-M1 Mark II/ PT-EP14. By attaching on inside of "Dome Port for Olympus"/"Dome Port + Protector II Set for Olympus" to prevent the bundled camera flash from exposing on an image.

Compatibility with Four Thirds System Lens ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 50mm F2.0 Macro

When using "ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 50mm F2.0 Macro" attached on "E-M1 Mark II" via Four Thirds Adapter "MMF-3", compatible port is the INON "MRS50 Port for Olympus" attached on the "PT-EP14" via Port Adapter "PAD-EP08" and Extension Ring "PER-E01" (*10).

The “MRS50 Port for Olympus” offers INON unique "MRS system" (*14) using magnet rings both on a lens and lens port instead of a mechanical gear to control focusing only by rotating a "MRS Control Ring" on a lens port by magnetic attraction supporting comfortable focusing as like controlling focusing on land.

Left: MRS50 Port for Olympus and necessary gear, adapters configuration
Right: MRS50 Port for Olympus installed on the PT-EP14

MRS50 Port for Olympus (without MRS Control Ring) (*10)(*11)
--Available in the market
--JAN code: 456212143 831 6

MRS50 Port for Olympus (*10)(*12)
--Available in the market
--JAN code: 456212143 830 9

MRS Magnet Ring 50 Set for Olympus (*13)
--Available in the market
--JAN code: 456212143 832 3

Extra Olympus Underwater Port Extension Ring "PER-E01" is required to use "Teleconverter EC-14".
Without MRS Control Ring for auto focus operation only. Optional "MRS Control Ring (60/60II/100UII/100UIII/50 for Olympus)" is available to use for manual focusing as well.
The MRS Magnet Ring 50 Set for Olympus (to install on the lens) is separately required to operate manual focusing.
When installing, set the camera/lens first in the housing then attach the MRS Magnet Ring 50 Set for Olympus on the lens from housing front side. Lastly attach compatible lens port on the housing.
Patented in Japan (3714742) and the U.S. (5,822,622)

Existing INON M67 mount series lenses are compatible and attachable directly on the 67mm screw mount of the "MRS50 Port for Olympus".

UCL-67 M67 Underwater Close-up Lens
--Available in the market
--JAN code: 456212143 837 8

UCL-165M67 Close-up Lens
--Available in the market
--JAN code: 456212143 162 1

UCL-330 Close-up Lens
--Available in the market
--JAN code: 456212143 156 0

From left to right:
UCL-67 M67 attached on MRS50 Port for Olympus installed on E-M1 Mark II/PT-EP14.
UCL-165M67」 attached on MRS50 Port for Olympus installed on E-M1 Mark II/PT-EP14.
UCL-330 attached on MRS50 Port for Olympus installed on E-M1 Mark II/PT-EP14.

■ Strobe/LED flashlight Compatibility withE-M1 Mark II / PT-EP14 (*1) ■

The highly accurate "S-TTL" Auto mode of INON Z-240 / D-2000 / S-2000 is supported when connecting via INON "Optical D Cable Type L/Double Hole Rubber Bush Set" products below. (*15)(*16)(*17)

S-2000 (*15)(*16)
--Available in the market
--JAN code: 456212143 417 2

D-2000 Type4 (*15)(*16)
--Available in the market
--JAN code: 456212143 211 6

Z-240 Type4 (*15)(*16)
-JAN code: 456212143 251 2

Compatible Optical Cable

Optical D Cable Type L/Double Hole Rubber Bush Set
--Available in the market
--JAN code: 456212143 561 2

Optical D Cable L Type L/Double Hole Rubber Bush Set
--Available in the market
--JAN code: 456212143 562 9

Optical D Cable SS Type L/Double Hole Rubber Bush Set
--Available in the market
--JAN code: 456212143 563 6

Optical D Cable LL Type L/Double Hole Rubber Bush Set
--Available in the market
--JAN code: 456212143 564 3

Rubber Bush Type L
--Available in the market
--JAN code: 456212143 784 5

Optical D Cable Type L/Double Hole Rubber Bush Set installed on the housing

"S-TTL Auto" of S-2000/Z-240/D-2000 is usable only when flash mode of the E-M1 Mark II is set to “Fill-in flash”. INON strobe is not compatible with Olympus "wireless RC flash system".
To use S-2000 / Z-240 / D-2000 in [Manual Mode] or [External Auto], set Advanced Cancel Circuit to [OFF] and flash mode of the E-M1 Mark II to "Manual".
When flash mode of the camera is set to "fill-in flash", "Manual Mode" more than -1.5 EV. setting (S-2000 / Z-240 / D-2000) and [External Auto] for the situation where strobe has to make -1.5 EV. or stronger (Z-240 / D-2000) is not usable.
Olympus PT-EP14 has fiber optics adapter for underwater use and above listed INON fiber optics product is directly plugged in the adapter.

Wide variety of INON LED flashlight products including LF2700-W / LF800-N/LF1100-W / LF1400-S / LF1000-S / LE700-W / LE700-S / LE350 further widen creativity like using underwater 4K movie function of E-M1 Mark II.

LF2700-W (discontinued)
--JAN code: 456212143 783 8

--JAN code: 56212143 779 1

--JAN code: 456212143 765 4

--JAN code: 456212143 766 1

--JAN code: 456212143 764 7

--JAN code: 456212143 712 8

--JAN code: 456212143 711 1

--JAN code: 456212143 742 5

■ Arm System Compatibility with E-M1 Mark II / PT-EP14 (*1) ■

Grip Base M1
--Available in the market
--JAN code: 456212143 605 3

D Holder
--Available in the market
--JAN code: 456212143 431 8

Shoe Base
--Available in the market
--JAN code: 456212143 356 4

Grip Base D4 (*18)
--Available in the market
--JAN code: 456212143 430 1

Grip Base M1 attached on E-M1 Mark II/PT-EP14 (left)
Grip Base M1 + D Holder attached on E-M1 Mark II/PT-EP14 (right)

The "Grip Base M1" is a base arm firmly attached on a housing with two tripod screws and equipped legs on the base provide stable placement of combined housing.
As like "Grip Base D4", wide variety of INON adapters/bases is compatible with the "Grip Base M1" and easy to set-up multiple lighting system with dual strobe configuration by attaching extra "D Holder".

The compact light arm "Shoe Base" is directly attached on the housing accessory shoe.

When using the "Grip Base D4", make sure to set the D Holder on your left. Installing the D Holder on the right hand side may prevent you to hold the housing directly as space between the D Holder and housing becomes extremely narrow.

■ E-M1 Mark II / PT-EP14set-up Example ■

•Olympus E-M1 Mark II + Olympus M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 60mm F2.8 Macro
•Olympus PT-EP14 + Olympus Underwater Lens Port PPO-EP03
•UCL-67 M67
•S-2000 (with packaged "-0.5 White Diffuser for S-2000")
•Optical D Cable Type L/Double Hole Rubber Bush Set
•Grip Base M1
•Z Adapter II
•Carbon Telescopic Arm SS
•Clamp III x 2
•Z Adapter MV

•Olympus E-M1 Mark II + Olympus M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 8mm F1.8 Fisheye PRO
•Olympus PT-EP14
•Dome Port EP02 for Olympus
•Z-240 Strobe x 2
•-0.5 (4600K) Diffuser 2(TTL/Manual) x 2
•LF1100-W (with packaged "Wide Filter LF-W")
•Single Light Holder LF
•Shoe Base
•Optical D Cable Type L/Double Hole Rubber Bush Set
•Optical D Cable Type L
•Grip Base M1
•D Holder
•Z Adapter II x 2
•Carbon Telescopic Arm S x 2
•Float Tube S x 2
•Clamp III x 4
•Z Adapter MV x 2

■ E-M1 Mark II / PT-EP14 sample image ■

--Subject: Tokai-naga-daruma-garei (Arnoglossus yamanakai)
Olympus E-M1 Mark II + M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 60mm F2.8 Macro,
PT-EP14 + PPO-EP03, Z-240 Strobe x 2
--Photo data:
Manual (F10.0, 1/250, ISO200), Z-240 (Manual),
--Photo by: R. Hattori(INON INC.) at "Wannai", Osezaki, Shizuoka, Japan

--Subject: Lumpfish
Olympus E-M1 Mark II + M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 60mm F2.8 Macro,
PT-EP14 + PPO-EP03, UCL-67 M67, Z-240 x 2
--Photo data:
Manual mode (F16.0, 1/15, ISO1600), Z-240 (Manual)
--Photo by: R. Hattori(INON INC.) at "Kasago-ne", Miayagawa Bay, Miura, Kanagawa, Japan

--Subject: Shizumiiso-koke-gimpo (Neoclinus chihiroe)
Olympus E-M1 Mark II + M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 60mm F2.8 Macro,
PT-EP14 + PPO-EP03, UCL-67 M67, Z-240 Strobe x 2
--Photo data:
Manual mode (F5.0, 1/80, ISO800), Z-240 (S-TTL Auto)
--Photo by: R. Hattori(INON INC.) at "Kasago-ne", Miayagawa Bay, Miura, Kanagawa, Japan

--Subject: Giant frogfish
Olympus E-M1 Mark II + M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 8mm F1.8 Fisheye PRO,
PT-EP14 + Dome Port EP02 for Olympus, Z-240 Strobe x 2
--Photo data:
Manual mode (F18.0, 1/60, ISO800), Z-240 (Manual)
--Photo by: R. Hattori(INON INC.) at "Wannai", Osezaki, Shizuoka, Japan

--Subject: Gorgonian Wrapper
Olympus E-M1 Mark II + M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 8mm F1.8 Fisheye PRO,
PT-EP14 + Dome Port EP02 for Olympus, Z-240 Strobe x 2
--Photo data:
Manual mode (F13.0, 1/250, ISO1600), Z-240 (Manual)
--Photo by: R. Hattori(INON INC.) at "Tobine" Miayagawa Bay, Miura, Kanagawa, Japan

--Subject: Giant frogfish
Olympus E-M1 Mark II + M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 12-50mm F3.5-6.3 EZ,
PT-EP14 + PPO-EP01, PMLA-EP01, UFL-M150 ZM80,
M27-M67 Mount Converter for UFL-M150 ZM80, Z-240 Strobe x 2
--Photo data:
Zoom telephoto end (50mm), Manual mode (F22, 1/100, ISO100), Z-240 (Manual)
--Photo by: R. Hattori(INON INC.) at "Wannai", Osezaki, Shizuoka, Japan

--Subject: Vercon’s nudibranch
Olympus E-M1 Mark II + M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 60mm F2.8 Macro,
PT-EP14 + PPO-EP03, UCL-67 M67, S-2000 Strobe × 2
--Photo data:
Without close-up lens (left)
 Manual mode (F18.0, 1/250, ISO800), Minimum focus distance, S-2000 (S-TTL Auto)
With UCL-67 M67 Close-up Lens (right)
 Manual mode (F18.0, 1/250, ISO800), Minimum focus distance, S-2000(S-TTL Auto)
--Photo by: R. Hattori(INON INC.) at "Wannai", Osezaki, Shizuoka, Japan

--Subject: Moss fringehead
Olympus E-M1 Mark II + MMF-3 + ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 50mm F2.0 Macro,
PT-EP14 + PER-E01 + MRS50 Port for Olympus, MRS Magnet Ring 50 Set for Olympus,
UCL-67 M67, S-2000 Strobe x 2
--Photo data:
 •Without Close-up Lens (left)
  Manual (F14.0, 1/25, ISO800), Minimum focus distance, S-2000 (S-TTL Auto)
UCL-67 M67 Close-up Lens (right)
  Manual mode (F14.0, 1/25, ISO800), Minimum focus distance, S-2000(S-TTL Auto)
--Photo by: R. Hattori(INON INC.) at Yokoiso beach, Atami, Shizuoka Japan

■ Relative information on INON web site ■

•Underwater "S-TTL" Auto Strobe S-2000
•Underwater "S-TTL" Auto Strobe D-2000
•Underwater "S-TTL" Auto Strobe Z-240

•Underwater LED flashlight LF2700-W
•Waterproof LED flashlight LF800-N
•Waterproof LED flashlight LF1100-W
•Underwater LED flashlight LF1400-S
•Waterproof LED flashlight LF1000-S
•Underwater LED flashlight LE700-W
•Underwater LED flashlight LE700-S
•Waterproof LED flashlight LE350

•Accessories for OLYMPUS E-SYSTEM

•M67 Mount series, UCL-67 M67 Close-up Lens
•M67 Mount series, UCL-165M67 Close-up Lens
•M67 Mount series, UCL-330 Close-up Lens
•UFL-M150 ZM80 Underwater Micro Fisheye Lens

•Carbon Telescopic Arm
•Grip Base M1
•Shoe Base

March 24, 2017

*Press release information is as of March, 2017 and subject to change without prior notice.

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